Thank You 2025 Tournament Sponsors

905 Tire Al's Sports AMJ Blyth Brant Transmission Canadian Tire Cardi Coachs Corner Deeth Don MacRae EPK the door dudes J.M.Edwards Justin Ellis PT   Lougheed Heating Marianne Meed Ward McDonald's Melissa Uba Nickelbrook Rankin Ruddock Paving Smiths Sproule Squeeze Pickleball SHL Co-ed Verwey Auto YourTV co2digital carpenter

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We are seeking “Sponsorship“ support now for 2025 including tournament banner ads for $250, your company name/logo will be displayed on the glass in both arenas, displayed on the sponsorship wall in the auditorium and on information sheets on each table in the auditorium.  Please support the BOHC! Deadline for artwork is February 3, 2025.

($250 both rinks)
 Buy Now Button

Making your payment

1. e-transfer to | 2. Paypal | Credit card option above  |  3. Cheque or cash

Sponsors please note - artwork of your logo needs to be supplied in full colour for the Arena Banners. Please supply logo in high res format such as EPS or Illustrator (vector)

As always, a portion of the proceeds from this tournament go to The Carpenter Hospice in Burlington. Over the past several years the BOHC Invitational Tournament has donated over $80,000 to The Carpenter Hospice.

Carpenter Hospice


Scot Cameron -- 289-242-6339